Design and carrying out of reception, storage and waste disposal facilities
- Solid urban and assimilable waste
- Industrial waste (hazardous and non hazardous waste)
- Electrical and electronic waste
- Used tyres
- Construction and demolition debris
- By-products of animal or vegetable origin, etc.
Design and construction of other facilities
- Waste classification, storage or treatment
- Waste dumps
- Waste incineration
- Eco- park (domestic waste deposit)
Carrying out of environmental studies, in their different
IPPC (Integrated Environmental Authorizations):
- Slaughterhouses
- Dairy industries
- Intensive livestock farms
- Waste management and disposal facilities
- Oil refineries
- Flour factories, etc.
- Facilities for energy cogeneration, etc.
Environmental impact studies:
- Industry
- Mining industry
- Power lines
- Urban planning
- Radio stations
Environmental reports and qualifications:
- Slaughterhouses, cutting rooms, production of meat products
- Dairy industries
- Winepresses
- Use of fats
- Fruit and vegetable centres
- Precooked food production
Residual industrial water treatment, disposal authorizations:
- Food and agricultural industries
- Livestock facilities
- Industries in general